During SFY 2025, the SRF Program will be offering a competitive nonpoint source funding incentive to encourage implementation of locally directed, water quality improvement projects.
Funding Opportunity:
Direct loans will be offered to eligible applicants at 0% interest for up to $500,000 per GNS project. Loan amounts can be up to 100% of the project costs with no limitation on total project amounts and project costs above $500,000 will be funded at the current SRF interest rate. This incentive will be available on a first come, first-funded basis until all available funding has been obligated. Projects can be co-funded with other federal and non-federal funding sources.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applications will be scored based on the evaluation factors described in the General Nonpoint Source Application Instructions. Projects scoring a minimum of 10 points out of 20 may be offered special purpose funds.
Eligible Borrowers:
Public entities with the ability to issue a bond or another funding source available to repay a CWSRF loan are eligible. Borrowers must be an owner of record or demonstrate long-term control of the project area.
Prior to submitting an application, a virtual pre-application meeting with the following representatives is required.
1. DNR SRF Project Manager
2. Applicant
3. Design Engineer
4. Technical Advisor, e.g. IDALS Urban Conservationist, DNR Engineer
5. Iowa Finance Authority SRF Program Specialist
To prepare for the pre-application meeting download and review the General Nonpoint Source application and associated Instructions linked in the Application Information section below.
Applications are due on the first of March, June, September and December. Six to eight weeks after each quarterly IUP deadline the applicant will be emailed a notice of funding approval which includes the application score, the assigned DNR Project Manager, and the date their project will be included in the DRAFT IUP to be reviewed by the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC). See SFY 2025 IUP deadlines and EPC review schedule on the SRF website.
Projects that are issued an Eligibility Letter within 18 months of project approval by the EPC will receive incentive funds when the applicant locks their interest rate.