Federal Resources
- Rescission of Investing in America Signage T&C (12-16-24)
- EPA's FAQs about BIL State Revolving Funds
- EPA Signage Requirements for BIL Recipients (12-18-2022)
- EPA's Build America, Buy America Implementation Guidance for BIL and SRF Programs (11-7-2022)
- De Minimis General Applicability Waiver, Build America, Buy America (10-24-22)
- Adjustment Period Waiver, Build America, Buy America (9-2-22)
- Small Project General Applicability Waiver, Build America, Buy America (9-28-22)
- Initial Implementation Guidance on Application of Buy America Preference in Federal Financial Assistance Programs for Infrastructure
- MEMO - Implementing Lead Service Line Replacement Projects Funded by the DWSRF (5-1-24)
- MEMO - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: State Revolving Funds Implementation Memorandum (March 2022)
- More infomation can be found on the EPA website
- FACT SHEET - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: State Revolving Funds Implementation Memorandum (March 2022)
- Q & A - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (updated 10-1-24)
- LAW - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) (P.L> 117-58), also known as the "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021" (IIJA)